The green and renewable energy industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years, and with good reason. With environmental concerns being such an important topic both domestically and around the world, it’s hardly surprising that companies involved in the production of new sustainable energy solutions are thriving.
When considering the generation and distribution of electrical energy, no matter what the source, busbars are a key component in keeping those systems running.
In this article, we are going to look at how busbar plating contributes to these systems.
Improved Conductivity
This is a key consideration for any energy system, but especially for sustainable energy sources. To improve the perception of renewable energy as a reliable power source, performance is all important, and, in terms of distribution, that performance is most often affected by the conductivity of the system’s busbars. Our busbar plating processes greatly improve conductivity, with tin plating and silver plating
We make sure the finish is consistent across the whole product through our stringent quality checks, delivering a notable improvement in performance and speed.
Wind Power
Wind power is an effective form of renewable energy, relying on an inexhaustible resource to turn massive turbines that generate impressive amounts of electricity. In these systems, the importance of busbar plating is down to its durability as much as its conductivity. Constantly moving parts can result in wear and tear on the busbar components. Likewise, with many wind turbines stationed in the sea, you can expect greater incidences of corrosion from salt spray and humid conditions.
Electroless nickel plating is one of the most effective ways to combat these issues, as it applies a hard-wearing sacrificial layer that is resistant to both.
Solar Power
Solar power is another popular sustainable energy source, converting the sun’s rays into electrical energy that is then stored in massive photovoltaic cells until needed. Once again, conductivity is an important consideration for any busbars used in such a system, as it ensures optimal efficiency in the energy transfer. Just as important is the durability of the components, since solar panels are typically roof-mounted, potentially exposing the busbars to the elements.
As solar panels themselves get slimmer, thinner depositions of metal plating are being required. Fortunately, this is something we can provide with our electroless nickel plating process.